
Why Do Kitties Knead?

Why Do Kitties Knead?

Kneading – when a cat stretches out his front legs and pushes his front paws alternately and rhythmically into a soft material such as a blanket, his bed, a pillow or your lap – is not a learned behavior but rather completely instinctual. Shortly after birth kittens...

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What Kitty Doesn’t Love a Box?

What Kitty Doesn’t Love a Box?

Enrichment…the act of improving or enhancing the quality of something. That’s what animal behavior experts (and our own common sense) tell us is good for our feline companions. Enrichment activities are basically ways to make kitty happy and her life more interesting...

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Helping Kitty Feel Safe at the Vet

Helping Kitty Feel Safe at the Vet

Vet visits may be one of the most traumatic events for your cat but there are some things you can do to make this essential activity as stress-free as possible. 1.  Get kitty comfortable with his carrier several days before the vet visit. Put the carrier out in plain...

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Holiday Tips for a Happy Kitty

Holiday Tips for a Happy Kitty

The holidays are upon us with all their excitement and chaos. Yet there are some potential pitfalls for your kitty in many holiday activities and traditions. Here are some tips to keep her safe and happy during the holiday season. Tree Decorations Shiny, sparkly tree...

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A Magic Pill to Relieve Kitty’s Stress

A Magic Pill to Relieve Kitty’s Stress

When it’s time for a vet visit, corralling and managing a terrified, stressed cat is difficult for both you and the vet and the cat isn’t happy either. So if normally docile, happy Fluffy turns into a furry fighter there may be a solution. Enter Gabapentin. Gabapentin...

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What Are Pheromones?

What Are Pheromones?

A kitty who rubs its face against walls or furniture or rubs cheeks with its human is a familiar sight to many cat owners. While we may think this is a sign of affection or just one of those funny things cats do, it is much more complex than that. When kitty rubs...

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What’s In A Name?

What’s In A Name?

According to the poet T.S. Eliot and popularized by the hit musical Cats, a cat should have three different names: “…the name that the family use daily, such as Peter, Augustus, Alonzo or James;” “the name that’s particular, peculiar and more dignified such as...

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