by Kathy Reiffenstein | Feb 23, 2025 | Behavior, Health, Pet Ownership
The benefits of spaying and neutering pet cats are so numerous that it’s really a no-brainer for a pet parent to make this a priority for their Fluffy. Benefits include: Longer life span, as demonstrated in numerous studies. Protects from serious diseases such as...
by Kathy Reiffenstein | Nov 2, 2024 | Health, Pet Ownership
You probably have a set cleaning routine for your house, your clothes and your dishes. Cleaning these things likely happens once a day (dishes), once a week (clothes) and every two weeks or so (house). But how frequently do you clean kitty’s things – toys, beds,...
by Kathy Reiffenstein | Aug 17, 2024 | Pet Ownership
According to the poet T.S. Eliot and popularized by the hit musical Cats, a cat should have three different names: “…the name that the family use daily, such as Peter, Augustus, Alonzo or James;” “the name that’s particular, peculiar and more dignified such as...
by Kathy Reiffenstein | Jun 4, 2024 | Pet Ownership
What cat lover can resist the pull of an adorable kitten or a saucy teenage kitty or a placid adult cat? That pull is strong even if you have a resident cat(s) already. Adding another cat or cats to an existing cat household should be a decision taken with some...