What Are Pheromones?

by | Aug 29, 2024 | Behavior

A kitty who rubs its face against walls or furniture or rubs cheeks with its human is a familiar sight to many cat owners. While we may think this is a sign of affection or just one of those funny things cats do, it is much more complex than that.

When kitty rubs against stationary things or humans or other cats, she is releasing pheromones which are chemical signals or messages. These pheromone messages may be to mark territory, to signal contentment, to telegraph fear or stress, to attract a mate.

Pheromones are produced in various glands throughout a cat’s body including at the side of the lips, around the cheeks, under the chin, and on the paw pads. When kitty rubs on familiar things, her facial pheromones, in particular, communicate that this is a comfortable and safe area. She (or any other cat) is able to detect these pheromone messages through two fluid-filled sacs in the hard palate at the top of her mouth.

Sounds pretty ingenious, doesn’t it? And what’s more, kitty didn’t learn this behavior; she was born with the understanding of this messaging system.  

What Does This Mean for Cat Owners?

Synthetic pheromone products exist and are available in pet stores and online. One of the best known is Feliway which comes in various delivery methods – spray, wipes, diffuser. These synthetic versions mimic the chemical communication that cats release to signal that an area is safe and secure. Research has shown that they can reduce kitty’s stress (for example, when going to the vet) and help reduce aggression if there are multiple cats in the household.

They have also been used to reduce a cat’s anxiety when moving to a new home or going on a car ride. They help kitty adjust more quickly and comfortably to an unfamiliar environment.

So if you have a nervous kitty or if she has some behavioral problems talk to your vet to see if these synthetic pheromones might help her to chill out and help make her life more perfect.