According to the poet T.S. Eliot and popularized by the hit musical Cats, a cat should have three different names: “…the name that the family use daily, such as Peter, Augustus, Alonzo or James;” “the name that’s particular, peculiar and more dignified such as Bombalurina or Jellylorum…names that never belong to more than one cat;” and lastly, “the name that no human research can discover but the cat himself knows, and will never confess.”
That sounds like a tall order! Selecting the perfect name for your kitty will be a matter of personal choice but it’s also a good idea to think about what might best suit your new companion. A dainty, petite Siamese girl probably wouldn’t wear “Bruiser” very well while “Cupcake” could sound a little silly for a bushy Maine Coon male. With thanks to T.S. Eliot for getting our creative juices flowing, here are some things to think about when naming your kitty.
If you’re naming a kitten, who may be part of your household for 15+ years, think about a name that is suitable for the playful, young kitten but will also work as he matures into an adult cat. It’s also OK to wait a bit to choose a name until you get to know kitty a bit better.
~Take inspiration for a name from your cat’s appearance and/or personality. A sleek, black beauty might be named Ebony while a feisty, playful tabby could be called Rascal. You can also draw ideas from your favorite hobbies; favorite flowers; famous people/places in history or literature; favorite foods or wines.
~Are you likely to want to use a shortened version of the name from time to time, for example, Izzy for Isabella or Gilly for Gilbert? If so, make sure you choose a name that has a diminutive version.
~Think about how the name will sound when you call out to kitty, refer to your cat in conversation or get called in the vet’s waiting area. The name from the T.S. Eliot poem, Bombalurina, would be a mouthful, indeed.
~If you are naming two cats at the same time you may want to choose names that are paired such as Sherlock and Watson; Bonnie and Clyde; Batman and Robin; Gin and Tonic; Mickey and Minnie; Mona and Lisa.
~If you’ve adopted your cat, chances are he already has a name, bestowed either by the previous owner or the shelter staff. Cats can adjust to a name change without too much difficulty, according to pet behaviorists, because they respond more to the tone of your voice than to specific words.
So whether you choose a sensible, everyday name or a particular, peculiar, more dignified name, the most important thing is to pick a name that you like (and will continue to like for many years) and that fits your kitty.
Here are some lists of names to get you started.
Trusted Housesitters Royal Cat Names:
Chewy’s Cute, Funny Cat Names:
Top Cat Names 2023: