Why Do Kitties Knead?

by | Mar 16, 2025 | Behavior

Kneading – when a cat stretches out his front legs and pushes his front paws alternately and rhythmically into a soft material such as a blanket, his bed, a pillow or your lap – is not a learned behavior but rather completely instinctual.

Shortly after birth kittens start to knead their mom’s belly during nursing as a way to stimulate her milk flow. It’s also thought that kneading may release a bonding hormone in the mother cat.

But long after they stop nursing many cats continue to knead. So what’s up with that?

Reasons for Kneading in the Adult Cat

Relaxation :: Reminiscent of nursing, kneading creates a sense of relaxation and contentment for kitty. He may also purr and suckle a blanket or what you’re wearing (if he’s kneading on your lap) to mimic nursing behavior.

Marking Territory :: Cats have scent glands between their toes and kneading releases their scent onto whatever they’re kneading, thus marking their territory. Some experts think they are also stretching their muscles.

Showing Affection :: If kitty is kneading on you it’s a sure sign he feels safe and happy and he’s staking a claim on his favorite human. And if he drools, you’ve hit the jackpot. “These are the really happy guys,” says Susan Nelson a veterinarian at Kansas State University.

It’s important not to discourage this behavior when kitty is showing you his love. If his claws are a bit sharp as he kneads on you, keep them trimmed and try to have something soft nearby to put between you and his claws. If he is a serial kneader, take care to put away things you’d like to protect, like your favorite sweater.

So count yourself lucky if you have a kitty who kneads and cherish his expression of how much he loves his human.